Class org.lightningj.paywall.paymenthandler.BasePaymentHandlerSpec












Test Duration Result
Verify init setup up handler correctly, and connect call is done to lightning handler if autoconnect is true 0s passed
Verify init setup up handler correctly, and no connect call is done to lightning handler if autoconnect is false 0.014s passed
Verify that checkSettlement returns a Settlement if related invoice was found and was settled and invoice was returned with the includeInvoice flag. 0.003s passed
Verify that checkSettlement returns a Settlement if related invoice was found and was settled and is payPerRequest 0.005s passed
Verify that checkSettlement returns a Settlement if related invoice was found and was settled and no invoice was returned without the includeInvoice flag. 0.002s passed
Verify that checkSettlement returns null if no related invoice was found. 0.002s passed
Verify that checkSettlement returns null if related invoice was not settled. 0.001s passed
Verify that checkSettlement throws IllegalArgumentException if related invoice is payPerRequest and already executed 0.002s passed
Verify that createOrder calls newPaymentData and converts it into an order 0.006s passed
Verify that createOrder throws InternalErrorException if orderRequest has payPerRequest flag and newPaymentData doesn't return PaymentData implementing PerRequestPaymentData 0.001s passed
Verify that getLightningHandlerContext returns an empty LNDLightningHandlerContext. 0.001s passed
Verify that lookupInvoice returns calls findPaymentData and converts the PaymentData into an invoice. 0.003s passed
Verify that lookupInvoice returns null if no related PaymentData was found. 0.002s passed
Verify that markAsExecuted throws InternalErrorException if preImageHash couldn't be found. 0.001s passed
Verify that markAsExecuted throws InternalErrorException if related payment doesn't implement PerRequestPaymentData. 0s passed
Verify that markAsExecuted updates a PerRequestPaymentData with executed flag if related payment exists 0.001s passed
Verify that onLightningEvent calls updatePaymentData properly for PaymentEventType INVOICE_CREATED 0.005s passed
Verify that onLightningEvent calls updatePaymentData properly for PaymentEventType INVOICE_SETTLED 0.005s passed
Verify that onLightningEvent logs error if any exception occurs during processing 0.003s passed
Verify that onLightningEvent logs info about skipping an invoice it hasn't created before hand. 0.002s passed
Verify that registerListener calls register in event bus. 0.014s passed
Verify that registerSettledInvoice registers new payment data if not exists and registerNew flag set. 0.002s passed
Verify that registerSettledInvoice throws IllegalArgumentException if no payment exists in system and registerNew flag is not set. 0.001s passed
Verify that registerSettledInvoice throws IllegalArgumentException if payment is already settled in the system. 0.001s passed
Verify that registerSettledInvoice throws InternalErrorExcpetion if new payment data doesn't implement PerRequestPaymentData even though OrderRequest contains payPerRequest flag. 0.001s passed
Verify that registerSettledInvoice updates existing payment data if exists and not prior settled. 0.002s passed
Verify that unregisterListener calls unregister in event bus. 0.001s passed