

(readonly) BTCUnit :string

Enumeration indicating the BTC unit that should be used when displaying and invoice amount.
  • string
Name Type Description
BTC string BTC, i.e 100.000.000 Satoshis
MILLIBTC string One thousand part of BTC, i.e 100.000 Satoshis
BIT string In BIT, i.e 100 Satoshis.
SAT string In Satoshis.
MILLISAT string In milli satoshis, 1/1000 satoshi.
NANOSAT string In nano satoshis, 1/1000.000 satoshi.

(readonly) CurrencyCode :number

Internal Enum of Currency Codes used in JSON Amount objects.
  • number
Name Type Description
BTC number Bitcoin BTC

(readonly) HttpHeader :string

Internal Enum of used http headers.
  • string
Name Type Description
PAYWALL_MESSAGE string The related payload is a paywall related message.

(readonly) HttpStatus :number

Internal Enum of used http statuses.
  • number
Name Type Description
PAYMENT_REQUIRED number Payment is required notification.

(readonly) Magnetude :number

Internal Enum of Magnetudes used in JSON Amount objects.
  • number
Name Type Description
NONE number Base unit. Satoshis for BTC.
MILLI number One thousand part of the base unit
NANO number One millionth part of the base unit

(readonly) PaywallEventType :string

Enumeration of available event types that might be triggered for a given payment flow. The special ANY event is used when registering for event callback where all events should be triggered.
  • string
Name Type Description
INVOICE string Invoice have been generated and is waiting to be settled.
INVOICE_EXPIRED string Generated invoice have expired and a new payment flow have to be generated.
SETTLED string Payment have been settled and the payment flow should be ready to perform the call. If multiple calls is possible is up to the settlement type.
EXECUTED string Payment type is of type pay per request and request have been processed successfully.
SETTLEMENT_NOT_YET_VALID string Generated settlement is not yet valid and need to wait until call can be performed.
SETTLEMENT_EXPIRED string Generated settlement have expired and new payment flow have to be generated.
PAYWALL_ERROR string Paywall API related error occurred during processing of payment flow, see paywallError object for details.
ALL string Special value used when registering new listener that should receive notification for all events related to this paywall flow.

(readonly) PaywallResponseStatus :string

Enumeration of known status values in the status field of response objects json object.
  • string
Name Type Description
OK string Processing went ok, no exception occurred.
BAD_REQUEST string Invalid data was sent to service..
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE string Temporary internal problems at the service. Possible to try again.
UNAUTHORIZED string Usually due to invalid token sent to service.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR string Internal error occurred at the service.

(readonly) PaywallState :string

Enumeration of available states for a given payment flow.
  • string
Name Type Description
NEW string Payment flow is new and no invoice have yet been generated.
INVOICE string Invoice have been generated and is waiting to be settled.
INVOICE_EXPIRED string Generated invoice have expired and a new payment flow have to be generated.
SETTLED string Payment have been settled and the payment flow should be ready to perform the call. If multiple calls is possible is up to the settlement type.
EXECUTED string Payment type is of type pay per request and request have been processed successfully.
SETTLEMENT_NOT_YET_VALID string Generated settlement is not yet valid and need to wait until call can be performed.
SETTLEMENT_EXPIRED string Generated settlement have expired and new payment flow have to be generated.
PAYWALL_ERROR string Paywall API related error occurred during processing of payment flow, see paywallError object for details.
ABORTED string Request was aborted by the user.